5 replies
  1. Jeremy Bechtold
    Jeremy Bechtold says:

    as a graphic designer, I gotta say that it should be kept all one color. the style used comes from a time where 1-2 colors were the normal, and they usually weren’t put together. one was a background field and accent color, while the other was the line art and detail color. look at old appliance and repair part boxes from the 30-40s. that’s the feel I get from the style, I’d follow suit with the coloring. I dig the art deco style and composition though, big time. nicely done.

  2. Garrett Craven
    Garrett Craven says:

    I agree with jeremy a bit. The purple/blue color is too dark. It hides the details and line work. Maybe go with something a bit lighter and make it pop. Otherwise the logo looks badass i also dig the layout

  3. Charles
    Charles says:

    Thanks for the feed back guys! I am not set on the colors right now. My buddy is cleaning it up so it looks better online. I have not seen what he has in mind for the design of the site. I am pretty excited.


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