How I Would Start As a Mechanic Today ~ Audio Podcast Episode 27

Humble Mechanic Podcast
Humble Mechanic Podcast
How I Would Start As a Mechanic Today ~ Audio Podcast Episode 27

Becoming a mechanic or “How do I become a technician” is a question I get all the time. It can be a scary thing to research. You have a lot of people that hate the auto industry and would never recommend getting into it. I don’t really agree with that. If someone wants to get into he auto industry, then they should. This is not an easy industry to work in. Getting started as a mechanic is expensive. Going to tech school can be expensive. There are other ways to get into mechanic world, with out blowing a ton of cash on tech school.

For those of you that may not know, I went to tech school. I attended UTI in 2002, and followed that with VW training in 2003. Back then VW and Audi had great pre-dealership training. Today that doesn’t exist. Today you have to work at a dealer, or attend a participating community college. I really don’t love the direction that VW has went with training. That being said, there is WAY more out there than people think. 
Humble Mechanic automotive Podcast
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Important links:

Join me as we discuss:

  • Costs of tech school
  • Time investment of tech school
  • Starting at a Jiffy change type place
  • Starting at a small shop
  • Online Learning
    Engineering Explained
  • Dealership Service Express
  • You can start with little time and tool investment
  • Dealership training programs
  • Where Manufacturers lack in training
  • VW’s old training program

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Humble Mechanic automotive Podcast

1 reply
  1. Michael Hasty
    Michael Hasty says:

    I am 26 and have been working for Nissan for 5.5 years now. I started out as a porter parking card and moved all the way up to master mechanic now. I got started at a community college program. I also new very little about cars before school (or the industry for the matter). School did not teach me much about the career, but I did learn a lot about cars and how they work. A connection through my teacher is how I got my job at Nissan. I think how well you do at any school is more related to your own character and effort. I do the no technical school gives you much better information and newer technology (as well as new cars to work on opposed to your own cars), but I paid next to pathing for my classes which allowed me to come out debt free. If I were starting again, I thought no I’d do it the same way. Debt is pretty much never an option for me (except for a home mortgage). And community college allowed me to do it debt free and still get a decent education. As far as tools, I have slowly built up a collection. I definitely have a lot of craftsman and gear wrench stuff since it doesn’t cost as much. And I use a lot of harbor freight diagnostic stuff for the time being since I don’t use it all the time and it’s what I can afford.

    Love listening to your podcast.


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