Better MK1 Vr6 Swap Video

MK1 VR6 VW Cabriolet

Hey everyone,

I posted a video of the Cabby a few weeks ago. It was pretty weak. So I thought I would post another test drive video. This one really gives a better feel of what it is like to drive this car. Plus the exhaust note is freaking awesome. Oh and be sure to watch until the end 😉

I am working on a guide for this sway. Some of the things that I ran into during the build. The ways that I tackled a few issues. It is still in the early stages but be on the look out for that soon.

Don’t miss Shop Shots tomorrow!

7 replies
  1. Aaron
    Aaron says:

    I hope that’s a durable video recorder. Looks like it candle as many G’s as you can produce. What is the zero to 60mph on that car? The engine sounds like its running very smooth and the acceleration looked to be nice and smooth too. Nice work.

  2. Scott
    Scott says:

    How much horsepower does it have now? Is the engine still stock or have you improved it? And how come there’s no music jamming? Love the Humble Mech site, keep up the good work!

    • Charles
      Charles says:

      I am not sure how much HP she has. It is a stock VR6, other than the exhaust and intake.

      I have no installed a radio yet. Since the car doesn’t have a top, I need to install a radio in a secure location. I am not 100% sure where that will be just yet. Plus the sound of the VR is pretty dang awesome. 🙂

      Thanks for the kind words.


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