Today’ Post

Hey folks!
There will be no real post today. I have a Behind The Wrench interview, but I can’t get it formatted right so it will need to wait.

I hate days when I don’t get a post out for you guys.

I am at work today and there have been some customer service issues that you guys will be hearing about soon. To be honest I have been in a really bad mood because if it all day. Let’s just say that the crap people talk about service departments was SPOT ON today!

Ok, enough of that. What does everyone got planned this weekend? Any cool projects? I get the pleasure of installing some flooring finally!

Oh, don’t forget that I am still looking for questions for another rapid fire Q&A You can post questions you have about cars, car repair, maintenance, being a mechanic, the auto industry, tools something else cool I never thought of..

I hope you all have a rocking weekend. I will be back on Monday with a new post. Feel free to connect with me on any of the social media site, the links are on the right.

13 replies
  1. Garrett Craven
    Garrett Craven says:

    Well good luck with that jeremy. Hope it comes out good. Thats another reason i love my headlights 🙂
    Charles, i aint mad at ya lol we ALL have crappy days. Look forward to the next post.
    As for the Q&A id like to ask: what would be the best computer tool for the price that will scan codes, diagnostics etc for a vw? Ive heard a lot about vag-com, whats you opinion?

  2. Garrett Craven
    Garrett Craven says:

    Seriously?! They stopped using glass for pedestrian safety?! What the h3ll? Like for an accident? Cuz if you ask me either plastic shards or glass shards are dangerous…and id be more worried about the few thousand pounds behind those headlights haha

    • Charles
      Charles says:

      HAHA! True! I am not really sure why they stopped. I have been trying to find the info, but not much luck. I will find out for sure and let you guys know.

  3. Kevin
    Kevin says:

    I think the glass shatters and can cause tire punctures and injurys. The plastic will crack be rarely be as sharp as glass.


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