Next Week at Humble Mechanic

Hey folks!

I am actually taking a few days off of work next week. As you guys probably know, I work a 4 day work week. The schedule is a 3 week rotation. So every 3 weeks I have 5 days off in a row. Well, this is my weekend off. On top of that, I took the rest of next week off. Hello 10 days off!

Out initial plan was to drive to Illinois to visit some friends, family, and go on some brew tours. That kind of fell through. Our back up plan was to visit Asheville,NC. A place that I really really love. That fell through as well. My wife and I decided to stay here and work around the house, painting, cleaning and so on. In fact I spent the day doing yard work!

My vacation will not interrupt the flow of blog posts. In fact I will have more time to give you some good stuff.

What I would like for you guys to do, is post up some topics you want to know about. I want to be sure that we are hitting the subjects YOU guys want! Those seem to make for the best posts. You can post them in the comments on the post, use the Contact me form, or head over to the forum and post them there.

I hope you all have a really awesome weekend. As always, I will be in the forum, on twitter, and Facebook. You can use the links on the right side of this post to connect with me. I always have my phone on me. Because of that Twitter or the Contact me form are the best ways to get up with me.

One more thing, if you have not checked out Pinterest, you really should. Its a pretty cool site to bookmark and share cool stuff you find. Let me know if you need an invite, I will send you one.

The best way to connect with me is to use the links on the right. 🙂

2 replies
  1. Garrett Craven
    Garrett Craven says:

    I just wanna say….YOUVE GOT THE LIFE!!!! You work on vw’s and your schedule is AWESOME!! Haha sign me up! 😀


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