Should You Follow Your Owners Manual for Maintenance?

Should You Follow Your Owners Manual for Maintenance?

When it comes to maintaining a car, the owners manual is a great guide. But should you just follow it? When should you change your oil? When should you replace spark plugs, what about fluid like coolant with no replacement interval? There is a lot of things missing from the owners book, and some maintenances are not as cut and dry.

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2 replies
  1. Robert Dundas
    Robert Dundas says:

    Fascinating question and discussion points about maintenance Charles. (PS, I just love these videos you do) 🙂

    Personally, I’m a DIY’er, have learned, as you say,to follow the manual only as a guide. I look under the hood at least once a week, check tire pressures, fluid levels, etc. About once a month I put the car up on ramps and just have a look around underneath the car. No way I’m leaving oil in a car for 10k miles, but I do mine at 6-7k. I thought the fuel filter thing was crazy too, I changed my first one out at 50k, and will do it again at 100k. I have a DSG tranny, I do adhere to the 40k service interval there.

    Keep the videos coming, love all the info, I learn a lot here!


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  1. […] Your owner’s manual is vast resource of knowledge, from basic set-up instructions to troubleshooting. And while it doesn’t cover everything, it does help you decipher the details. […]

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