My name is Charles. I am a Volkswagen technician, and have been a mechanic, a grease monkey, and a car enthusiast for many years. I started this site mainly to connect with my customers in a way that I can’t in the shop. However, it’s my hope it can also serves as a community forum to share information, impart a little wisdom, and have a little fun. Let’s get started.

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Saying Goodbye to My 2005 VW Passat


Today we are rounding home on this 3 part road trip prepping series. I know what you are thinking, “Charles, my car is ready to go. How much dang prepping can one car get?” Wells friends, you can not over prepare. It is now a day or two before the big trip. You got your […]

Last week we talked about prepping your car before a big road trip. Now we are going to talk about the things that need to be done about a week before your trip. So it’s one week before the trip. You have taken your car in or DIY’d all the maintenance. Your just ready to […]

Before I start into my rant, I want you all to know this has nothing to do with you guys. If you don’t know my stance on modding cars, here it is. DO IT! Mod the heck out of your car. Even if you want to bring your car to the dealer to get it […]

Automotive Service pictures Shop Shots VW belly Pan

Okay I have to tell you guys something. I never thought we would get to Volume 25 of shop shots. I just want to take a second to thank each and every one of you that have made doing this so much fun! Seriously, you guys freaking rock! Let’s talk some automotive shop pictures! Oh, […]

Hey everyone! Today I want to share some tips on preparing your car for a road trip. My wife and I are taking a road trip soon, so this is perfect timing. What I really want to get into today is, things we should do about 2 weeks before a big road trip. What is […]

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