Tag Archive for: car blog

Viewer Car Questions ~ Podcast Episode 222

Today I will be taking your car related questions. The topics we cover are, car repair, DIYs on cars, Volkswagen, mechanic’s tools, and anything car related. To ask a car question for a show like this, email me Charles(at)Humblemechanic(DOT)com. Be sure to put the phrase “Question for Charles” in the subject. That is the best so you can avoid the spam monster. If you don’t get your question on this show, email it again just to be sure. Everyone has car questions, I am glad to be able to help

Sponsor of the Day CRP AUTO
CRP deals in a ton of OE automotive parts. They also make the factory DSG fluid for VW. Having them as a sponsor will give us access to more information about fluids than I would ever get from VW. I am really excited to have them as a resource of information. To learn more about the great products they have, check out CRPAutomotive.com 

Become A CrewMember
If you like this show. If you get value out of the videos and content that I put out, consider supporting the show by becoming a CrewMember. You will get discounts you can’t get anywhere else, exclusive videos from me, and VW/Audi training manuals. Between the discounts and the training manuals, the CrewMembership can easily pay for itself. Become a CrewMember today

Help Support The Show
Many of you have asked about supporting the show. For that I thank you. For now, the best things you can do are SHARE THE SHOW, and shop with my links on Amazon. You will not spend any more money that you would normally. Here is the Amazon link Humble Mechanic on Amazon or you can check out some recommended tools I have listed below.

Listen to the Show
It is finally here! The audio only version of the Humble Mechanic Podcast. So many of you wanted to listen on the go, in the car, working out, and now you can. While I wait for iTunes, Google approval you can listen to the show here on the blog. Once those approvals come, you will be able to subscribe and download the audio podcasts from your favorite place. 

Join me as I take your automotive questions on:

Trouble viewing? Watch “Viewer Car Questions ~ Podcast Episode 222” on YouTube.

As always I love to hear your thoughts. Please post them in the comments section below. Again, if you have a question for a show like this, email me Charles(at)humblemechanic(dot)com with Question for Charles in the subject. Also if you have an idea for a show, contact me via email, or use the contact me form!

Don’t forget to follow me at:

Humble Mechanic automotive Podcast

Automotive podcast and blog

Today is an AWESOME milestone show. Episode 50 if the Humble Mechanic Podcast.

Today I wanted to share the story with you guys about why I even started this show. It has been an amazingly cool ride along the way. I have all of you to thank for that. If it was not for all of your support, this show would not be what it is. This community would not be what it is. In short, you guys are freaking awesome!

Join me today as we talk about:

  • The journey to Episode 50
  • Why I started the blog
  • How the dealer I work for did Social media
  • Sharing stories about being a mechanic
  • Give people the same experience online that they get at the dealer
  • Why I switched to a video format
  • and more

Trouble viewing? Watch “Why I Started The Show ~ Podcast Episode 50” on YouTube.

As always I love to hear your thoughts. Please post them in the comments section below. If you have an idea for a show you can email me, or use the contact me form! Again, thank each and every one of you for all the support!

Don’t forget to follow me at: